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Announcement Pursuant To Rule 210(5)(a) Of The SGX-ST Listing Manual

BackFeb 20, 2008

Pursuant to Rule 210(5)(a) of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, Yongmao Holdings Limited (the "Company") wishes to announce that the directors of the Company, namely, Mr Ng San Tiong, Mr Lim Kok Yong, Mr Chua Kee Lock and Mr Ho Chew Thim, have prior experience as directors of public listed companies in Singapore and are familiar with the roles and responsibilities of a director of a public listed company in Singapore.

Whilst the other directors, namely, Mr Sun Zhao Lin, Ms Tian Ruo Nan, Mr Sun Tian and Dr Steve Lai Mun Fook, do not have prior experience as directors of public listed companies in Singapore, Mr Sun Zhao Lin, Ms Tian Ruo Nan and Mr Sun Tian have attended briefing on the roles and responsibilities of a director of a Singapore listed company and Dr Steve Lai Mun Fook will be attending such briefing. We also intend to make arrangements for our directors who do not have the prior experience to attend course(s) such as those organized by the Singapore Institute of Directors.

By Order of the Board

Tian Ruo Nan
Chief Executive Officer

The initial public offering of the Company's shares was sponsored by CIMB-GK Securities Pte. Ltd.